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XML Flow CreationSince January 2020 the region of Sicily has forwarded to all the affiliated structures a document where, Sogei communicates that it is no longer necessary to transmit the xml flow via ONLINE SSN RECIPES, because after the provision of the service operations, all the results appear in their archives. recipe. Therefore we advise you to equally generate the xml flow for the control to the district to compare the accounting data, and to create and send only the xml flow of the non-dematerialized or RED recipes. Below is the video
Change the password that is useful for dispensingBelow is the link to change the password useful for providing services
Enter the new license code MDSdem and INVIAdemHere is the video to change the license code after expiration
Insertion from xls file of new articles to be included in the master dataFrom the last update, it is possible to import, via xls file sent to you by your suppliers, the registry of new items to be loaded quickly. Below is the video
Change the Prescription password by the DoctorBelow is the link for instructions on changing the doctor's password which expires every 3 months from renewal
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